Statue Bases and Herms

Statue base: I Eleusis 516 - Statue base for the hierophant who saved the sacred objects of the Mysteries

Statue base: I Eleusis 646 - Statue base for the hierophant Glaukos

Statue base: I Eleusis 659 - Statue base for Eunike

Statue base: I Eleusis 511 - Statue base for the hearth-initiate Praxagora

Statue base: I Eleusis 537 - Statue base

Statue base: I Eleusis 649 - Statue base for a hierophant

Herm: Bricault 101/0208 - Dedication relating to a basket-bearer of Sarapis and Isis

Statue base: IG II2 3597e - Statue base for Ti. Claudius Attikos of Marathon?

Statue base: SEG 29.192 - Statue base for the Iliad

Statue base: I Eleusis 517 - Statue base for Septimius Severus

Statue base: I Eleusis 518 - Statue base naming Septimius Severus and Julia Domna

Statue base: IG II2 3418 - Statue base for the Mother of the Camps

Statue base: AIO 2743 - Statue base for Septimius Severus

Statue base: SEG 33.180 - Statue base for Geta

Statue base: IG II2 3695 - Statue base for Ulpius Leuros and Flavia Habroia

Statue base: I Eleusis 644 - Statue base for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos

Statue base: Agora XV 286 - Honours for the herald of the Council and People and the prytany of Erechtheis

Statue base: Follet, Athènes 126 n.3 - Honours for Cornelius Pulcher

Statue base: IG II2 3626 - Statue base for an archon of the Panhellenes

Statue base: SEG 28.97 - Statue base for Aurelius Rufus?

Statue base: Oliver, Marcus Aurelius 19 - Statue base

Statue Bases and Herms (Areopagos permits)

Statue base (Areopagos permits): I Eleusis 502 - Statue base for the hierophantis (Isidote)

Statue base (Areopagos permits): IG II2 3704 - Statue base for Quintus Statius Themistokles of Cholleidai

Herm (Areopagos permits): AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 16 - Herm of Aurelius Apphianos

Herm (Areopagos permits): IG II2 3737 - The ephebes honour their trainer, 156/7 or 157/8 AD

Statue base (Areopagos permits): AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 24 - Statue base of Piso

Statue base (Areopagos permits): AIO 2751 - Statue base for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos

Statue base (Areopagos permits)?: IG II2 3697 - Statue base (?) for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos

Statue base (Areopagos permits): SEG 25.212 - Statue for Tiberius Claudius Iason Magnus

Statue Bases and Herms (Areopagos)

Statue base (Areopagos): SEG 28.223 - Statue base for Vedia Io

Statue Bases and Herms (Areopagos, Council, and People)

Statue base (Areopagos, Council, and People): AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 26 - Statue base of Claudia Demetria

Statue base (Areopagos, Council, and People): IG IV2 1 82-84 - Honours for T. Statilius Lamprias of Epidauros

Statue base (Areopagos, Council, and People): I Eleusis 362 - Statue base for Julius Nikanor the New Homer and New Themistokles

Statue base (Areopagos, Council, and People): IG II2 3788 - Statue base for Julius Nikanor the New Homer and New Themistokles

Statue base (Areopagos, Council, and People): IG II2 3787 - Statue base for Julius Nikanor the New Homer and New Themistokles

Statue base (Areopagos, Council, and People): AIO 2655 - Statue base for Julius Nikanor the New Homer and New Themistokles

Statue base (Areopagos, Council, and People): IG II2 3786 - Statue base for Julius Nikanor the New Homer and New Themistokles

Statue base (Areopagos, Council, and People): Oliver, Marcus Aurelius 20 - Statue base for Casianus Antiochos Synesios

Statue Bases and Herms (City)

Herm (Athenians): I Eleusis 494 - Herm in honour of the hierophant who saved the sacred objects of the Mysteries

Statue base (City): AIUK 7 (Chatsworth) no. 2 - Statue base for Julia Domna

Statue base (City): I Eleusis 630 - Statue base of Fulvius Plautianus

Statue base (City): Oliver, Gerusia p. 132 n. 23 - Statue base for Flavia Habroia

Statue base (City): IG II2 3701 - Statue base for Marcus Ulpius Flavius Teisamenos

Statue base (City): IG II2 5 13273 - Statue base for Hegeias

Statue Bases and Herms (Council and People)

Statue base (Council and People): IG II2 3785 - Statue base for G. Julius Nikanor

Statue Bases and Herms (Council permits)

Herm (Council permits): IG II2 3960 - Herm for Glaukos

Statue Bases and Herms (Deme)

Statue base (Deme): SEG 25.206 - Statue of Demetrios [of Phaleron] dedicated by demesmen of Sphettos

Statue Bases and Herms (Ephebic)

Herm (Ephebic): IG II2 3764 - Herm for Aelius Apollonios

Herm (Ephebic)?: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 6 - Herm (?) listing ephebic officials

Herm (Ephebic): IG II2 2048 - Honours for the ephebic superintendent, 140/1 AD

Herm (Ephebic): IG II2 3739 - The ephebes honour their superintendent, 141/2 AD

Herm (ephebic): IG II2 2193 - The ephebes honour the superintendent, 201/2 AD

Statue Bases and Herms (General (strategos))

Statue Base (general): I Eleusis 102 - Dedication by a general honouring the demarch of Eleusis, Euthydemos

Statue Bases and Herms (Gerousia)

Statue base (Gerousia): I Eleusis 624 - Statue base for Marcus Aurelius Prosdektos

Statue Bases and Herms (Other city)

Statue base (Other city): I Eleusis 495 - Apollonia honours Marcus Aurelius

Statue base (League of the Thessalians): SEG 25.211 - Thessalian League honours Titus Flavius Kyllos

Statue Bases and Herms (Panhellenes)

Herm (Panhellenes): I Eleusis 491 - Portrait herm for Flavius Xenion

Statue Bases and Herms (People)

Statue base (People): Wilson, Ephebic Inscriptions E.040 - The People honour the ephebic superintendent, 145/6 AD

Statue base (People): IG II2 5 13281 - Statue base for Ploutarchos

Herm (People)?: Choix de Delphes 213 - Statue base of Augustus at Delphi

Statue Bases and Herms (Priestess)

Statue base (priestess): AIO 2736 - Base for Septimius Severus

Statue Bases and Herms (Private)

Statue base: I Eleusis 278 - Statue base for the dadouch Sophokles

Statue Base (private): IG II2 3488 - Statue commemorating the service of Panarista as arrephoros

Statue base (private): I Eleusis 621 - Statue base for the hearth-initiate Publia Aelia Herennia

Statue base (private): IG II2 3464 - Statue base for Syeris, diakonos of Lysimache

Statue base (private): Keesling, Syeris, 468 - Statue base for Lysimache, priestess of Athena Polias

Statue base (private): AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 5 - Base of statue of Antipatros son of Antipatros of Phlya

Herm (private): AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 15 - Herm of Polydeukion dedicated by Herodes Atticus

Statue base: AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 25 - Statue base of Polyllos

Herm (private): AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 27 - Herm commemorating a foster-child [of Herodes Atticus]

Statue base (private): IG II2 3703 - Statue base for Agathos Daimon, Pupienus Maximus, and Agathe Tyche

Statue base (private): IG II2 3702 - Statue base for Marcus Ulpius Pupienus Maximus

Statue base (private): IG II2 3623 - Statue base

Statue base (private): I Eleusis 476 - Statue base for Regilla

Statue base (private): Agora XVIII 379 - Statue base for Regilla

Statue Bases and Herms (Synedrion and City permits)

Statue base (Synedrion and City permits): IG II2 3699 - Statue base for Marcus Ulpius Eubiotos

Statue Bases and Herms (Tribe)

Statue base (tribe Oineis): IG II3 4 559 - Choregic dedication of Oineis for the City Dionysia, honouring Philopappos

Statue base (Tribe): IG II2 3597a - Statue base for Ti. Claudius Attikos of Marathon

Statue base (Tribe): IG II2 3597b - Statue base for Ti. Claudius Attikos of Marathon

Statue base (Tribe): IG II2 3597c - Statue base for Ti. Claudius Attikos of Marathon

Statue base (Tribe): IG II2 3597d - Statue base for Ti. Claudius Attikos of Marathon

Statue base (Tribe): Leone, Polis, Platz und Porträt 79 - Statue base for Tiberius Claudius Attikos

Statue base (Tribe): IG II2 4063 - Statue base for Vibullia Alkia