360 BC-340 BC: IG II3 4 62 - Dedication

360 BC-340 BC: IG II3 4 58 - Dedication

360 BC-340 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 53 - Loutrophoros of Timophon

360 BC-340 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 52 - Lekythos of Pytharatos and Herophilos

360 BC-340 BC: IG II3 4 636 - Dedication by the Heraeis

360 BC-340 BC: IG II3 4 634 - Dedication by a friendly society (eranistai)

360 BC-340 BC: CEG 2, no. 569 - Funerary Monument of Phanostrate, Midwife and Doctor

360 BC-340 BC: IG II3 4 635 - Dedication by the "launderers"

360 BC-340 BC: IG II2 1177 - Decree of deme Piraeus concerning the Thesmophorion

360 BC-340 BC: CGRN 61 - Fragment of a sacrificial regulation

360 BC-340 BC: AIO 2618 - Decree of Marathonian Tetrapolis honouring their archon, Charidemos of Probalinthos

360 BC-340 BC: AIO 2687 - List of names, prytany Kekropis (?)

360 BC-340 BC: Agora XV 20 - List of names, Council

360 BC-340 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 26 - Grave stele of Kleo (?)

360 BC-340 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 27 - Grave stele of Demetria

360 BC-340 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 28 - Grave stele of a family from Sestos

360 BC-340 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 29 - Grave stele of Eukleia

360 BC-340 BC: Agora XV 21 - List of names, Council (?)

360 BC-340 BC: IG II3 4 1775 - Small sacrificial regulation for Artemis at Piraeus

360 BC-340 BC: IG II3 4 700 - Dedication of statue of Phanostrate

360 BC-330 BC: I Eleusis 70 - Decrees of Eleusis honouring two Thebans

360 BC-330 BC: Kourouniotes, Iερόν του Απόλλωνος, 39 no. 3 - Honours for a priest of Apollo Zoster

360 BC-325 BC: AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 1 - Dedication commemorating a priesthood of Pandion

359 BC-358 BC: IG II3 4 486 - Choregic dedication of Aristion for the Thargelia, 359/8 BC

357 BC-357 BC: Matthaiou, Ἔξι Ἀττικὲς ἐπιγραφὲς 97-116 - Alliance with Thracian kings

357 BC-356 BC: AIO 814 - Alliance with Karystos, 357/6 BC

357 BC-356 BC: IG II2 123 - Decree for Andros, 357/6 BC

357 BC-356 BC: IG II3 4 57 - Dedication to Demeter and Kore, 357/6 BC

357 BC-356 BC: IG II3 4 245 - Dedication by trierarchs, 357/6 BC ?

357 BC-325 BC: IG II3 4 47 - Dedication fragment

357 BC-256 BC: IG II3 4 207 - Dedication by managers of tribe Leontis, 357/6 BC

357 BC-100 AD: IG II3 4 2 - Dedication to the Twelve Gods by the Council of 357/6 BC

356 BC-355 BC: AIO 816 - Alliance with Thracian, Paionian and Illyrian kings

356 BC-355 BC: IG II3 4 246 - Dedication by taxiarchs, 356/5 BC

355 BC-354 BC: IG II3 4 487 - Choregic dedication of Diodoros for the Thargelia, 355/4 BC

355 BC-345 BC: IG II3 1 388 - On the affairs of Akanthos and Dion

355 BC-335 BC: IG II3 1 400 - Honorific decree

355 BC-335 BC: IG II3 1 390 - Kleomis of Methymna awarded proxeny

355 BC-335 BC: IG II3 1 391 -

355 BC-330 BC: IG II3 1 392 - Proxeny

355 BC-320 BC: IG II3 1 396 - Honorific decree

355 BC-320 BC: IG II3 1 393 - Honours for [Achaians]

355 BC-320 BC: IG II3 1 394 - Honorific decree

355 BC-320 BC: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 10 - Honorific decree

355 BC-315 BC: IG II3 1 397 - Honorific decree

354 BC-353 BC: IG II3 4 488 - Choregic dedication of a sponsor for the Thargelia, 354/3 BC

354 BC-343 BC: SEG 52.104 - Law concerning repairs to buildings in the sanctuary of Artemis at Brauron

352 BC-352 BC: IG II3 1 387 - Decree relating to Sestos

352 BC-351 BC: IG II3 4 489 - Choregic dedication of Phrynaios for the Thargelia, 352/1 BC

352 BC-351 BC: IG II3 1 292 - On the boundaries of the sacred tract