390 BC-360 BC: IG II3 4 21 - Dedication by the prytany of Pandionis

390 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 632 - Dedication by pilgrims on the Pythais

387 BC-386 BC: AIO 818 - Decree for Erythrai, 387/6 BC (?)

387 BC-386 BC: AIO 800 - Decree for Klazomenai, 387/6 BC

386 BC-385 BC: AIO 801 - Honours for Phanokritos of Parion, 386/5 BC

384 BC-383 BC: IG II3 4 475 - Choregic dedication of Aristom- for the Thargelia, 384/3 BC

384 BC-383 BC: AIO 802 - Alliance with Chios, 384/3 BC

381 BC-380 BC: IG II3 4 51 - Dedication by the prytany of Erechtheis, 381/0 BC ?

380 BC-379 BC: IG II3 4 476 - Choregic dedication of Phormisios for the Thargelia, 380/79 BC

380 BC-360 BC: Agora XV 492 - List of names, Council or Samian cleruchy (?)

380 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 584 - Dedication commemorating victories at the [Eleusinia?] and the Panathenaia

380 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 583 - Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals

380 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 582 - Dedication commemorating victory at the Nemean Games

380 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 426 - Dedication by a victorious gymnasiarch

380 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 427 - Dedication by a victorious gymnasiarch

380 BC-350 BC: AIUK 3 (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) no. 5 - Funerary stele for Euthykritos of Eitea

380 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 500 - Choregic dedication (Acharnai)

378 BC-377 BC: RO 22 - Decree inviting states to join the Second Athenian League, 378/7 BC

378 BC-377 BC: IG II3 4 52 - Dedication by the prytany of Akamantis, 378/7 BC

378 BC-377 BC: AIO 803 - Decree admitting Methymna to the Second Athenian League, 378/7 BC (?)

378 BC-338 BC: IG II3 4 1 - Dedication to Apollo by Athens and her allies

377 BC-373 BC: AIUK 3 (Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge) no. 3 - Accounts of the Amphiktyons of Delos, 377/6-374/3 BC

375 BC-374 BC: AIO 805 - Decree admitting Corcyra, Akarnania and Kephallenia to the Second Athenian League, 375/4 BC

375 BC-374 BC: AIO 819 - Law on approvers (dokimastai) of silver coinage, 375/4 BC

375 BC-374 BC: IG II3 4 441 - Choregic dedication for the City Dionysia, 375/4 BC

375 BC-365 BC: IG II3 4 433 - Choregic dedication (Panathenaia and City Dionysia)

375 BC-350 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 50 - Lekythos of Mys, Philia, Metrodora and Meles

375 BC-350 BC: Keesling, Syeris, 468 - Statue base for Lysimache, priestess of Athena Polias

375 BC-350 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 48 - Loutrophoros of Mnesimede

375 BC-350 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 49 - Lekythos of Ada

375 BC-350 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 25 - Grave stele of Stratios

375 BC-350 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 24 - Grave stele of Hierokleia

375 BC-350 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 23 - Grave stele of Choirine

375 BC-350 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 22 - Grave stele of Klearete

375 BC-350 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 51 - Lekythos of Archagora

375 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 502 - Choregic dedication from Aigilia

375 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 477 - Choregic dedication of the son of Nikostratos for the Thargelia

375 BC-350 BC: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 13 - Funerary stele of Philodemos and Lysimache

375 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 501 - Choregic dedication from Ikarion

375 BC-350 BC: AIO 593 - Sacrificial calendar of Erchia

375 BC-350 BC: SEG 50.168 - The sacrificial calendar of the Marathonian Tetrapolis

375 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 444 - Choregic dedication of Diphilos for the City Dionysia

375 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 443 - Choregic dedication for the City Dionysia

375 BC-350 BC: IG II3 4 442 - Choregic dedication for the City Dionysia

375 BC-350 BC: AIUK 10 (National Galleries of Scotland) no. 1 - Grave stele of Aristomache

375 BC-330 BC: AIUK 5 (Lyme Park) no. 2 - Funerary stele for Melisto and Epigenes

375 BC-325 BC: Csapo and Wilson II, 272-4 - List of office-holders (choregoi?) of deme Thorikos

375 BC-325 BC: IG II2 1179 - Decree of Ikarion honouring demarch

375 BC-325 BC: IG II3 1 558 -

375 BC-325 BC: IG II3 1 507 - Honorific decree