185 BC-175 BC: IG II3 1 1377 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais

185 BC-175 BC: IG II3 1 1378 - Honours for the prytany of Oineis

185 BC-175 BC: IG II3 1 1380 - Decree

185 BC-175 BC: IG II3 1 1381 - Decree

185 BC-165 BC: IG II3 1 1450 - Fragment

185 BC-165 BC: IG II3 1 1452 - Honorific decree (?)

185 BC-165 BC: IG II3 1 1449 - Honorific decree

185 BC-165 BC: IG II3 1 1451 - Fragment

184 BC-183 BC: IG II3 1 1290 - Honours for the ephebes of 185/4 and their officers

183 BC-182 BC: IG II3 1 1294 - Decree

182 BC-181 BC: IG II3 1 1297 - Decree

182 BC-181 BC: IG II3 1 1295 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis

182 BC-181 BC: IG II3 1 1296 - Honours for the prytany of Attalis

181 BC-180 BC: IG II3 1 1302 - Honours for the officials in charge of revenues

181 BC-180 BC: IG II3 4 105 - Dedication by a board of officials, 181/0 BC

181 BC-180 BC: IG II3 1 1303 - Citizenship decree for Klearchos

181 BC-180 BC: IG II3 1 1299 - Honours for the prytany of Leontis

181 BC-180 BC: IG II3 1 1301 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis

181 BC-180 BC: IG II3 1 1300 - Honours for the commissioners for refurbishment of the Tholos

180 BC-179 BC: IG II3 1 1305 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais

180 BC-179 BC: IG II3 1 1304 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis

180 BC-179 BC: IG II3 1 1306 - Decree

180 BC-179 BC: IG II3 1 1307 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

180 BC-170 BC: IG II3 1 1382 - Honours for a prytany

180 BC-170 BC: IG II3 1 1456 - Fragment

180 BC-170 BC: IG II3 1 1384 - Citizenship decree for Hikesios of Ephesos

180 BC-170 BC: IG II3 1 1385 - Citizenship decree

180 BC-160 BC: IG II3 1 1390 - Citizenship decree for sacred delegates (theoroi) from Miletos

180 BC-160 BC: IG II3 1 1453 - Honorific decree

180 BC-160 BC: IG II3 1 1459 - Honorific decree

180 BC-160 BC: IG II3 1 1457 - Fragment

180 BC-160 BC: IG II3 1 1454 - Honorific decree

179 BC-178 BC: IG II3 1 1307 - Honours for the prytany of Aiantis

179 BC-178 BC: IG II3 1 1308 - Decree

179 BC-160 BC: IG II3 1 1407 - Decree honouring a prytany

179 BC-160 BC: IG II3 1 1386 - Honours for a priest (of Asklepios?)

179 BC-160 BC: IG II3 1 1458 - List of ephebes

179 BC-160 BC: IG II3 1 1401 - Honours for the prytany of Antiochis

178 BC-177 BC: IG II3 1 1310 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis

178 BC-177 BC: IG II3 1 1309 - Honours for Antiochos (later Antiochos IV?)

177 BC-176 BC: IG II3 1 1311 - Honours for a prytany

177 BC-176 BC: IG II3 1 1312 - Decree

176 BC-175 BC: IG II3 1 1314 - Decree

176 BC-175 BC: IG II3 1 1315 - Honours for a merchant

176 BC-174 BC: IG II3 1 1313 - Honours for the ephebes of 177/6 and their officers

176 BC-173 BC: IG II3 1 1321 - Honours for the prytany of Hippothontis

176 BC-173 BC: IG II3 1 1320 - Honours for a prytany

176 BC-172 BC: IG II3 1 1322 - Honours for ephebes

175 BC-175 BC: IG II3 1 1448 - Honorific decree (?)

175 BC-174 BC: IG II3 4 538 - Dedication by the competition-director, Drakontides of Paiania, 175/4 BC