200 BC-150 BC: IG II3 1 1417 - Honours (?)
200 BC-150 BC: IG II3 4 110 - Dedication by unknown board
200 BC-150 BC: IG II3 4 274 - Dedication for the generals by staff
200 BC-150 BC: F.Delphes III 2 140 - Athenian Decree at Delphi concerning the Soteria
200 BC-101 BC: IG II3 4 600 - Dedication commemorating victories in the pankration
200 BC-101 BC: IG II3 4 601 - Dedication commemorating victories in wrestling and pankration
200 BC-101 BC: AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 12 - Dedication to [Men?], Pan and the Nymphs
200 BC-100 BC: I Eleusis 249 - Decree (?) from Eleusis
200 BC-100 BC: IG II3 4 115 - Dedication by polemarch
200 BC-1 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 60 - Kioniskos of Sokrates
200 BC-1 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 83 - Grave stele of Hermias
200 BC-1 BC: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 66 - Kioniskos of Botrichos
200 BC-1 BC: IG II3 4 555 - Dedication with catalogue of actors' victories
199 BC-175 BC: IG II3 1 1361 - Honours for ephebes
199 BC-175 BC: IG II3 1 1359 - Citizenship decree
199 BC-175 BC: IG II3 1 1346 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
197 BC-167 BC: IG II3 1 1347 - Decree
197 BC-167 BC: IG II3 1 1365 - Catalogue of ephebes
197 BC-167 BC: IG II3 1 1363 - Catalogue of ephebes
197 BC-167 BC: IG II3 1 1376 - Ephebic decree
197 BC-167 BC: IG II3 1 1412 - Decree
197 BC-167 BC: IG II3 1 1364 - Catalogue of ephebes
197 BC-167 BC: IG II3 1 1362 - Honours for the ephebes and their officers
196 BC-195 BC: IG II3 1 1256 - Honours for the ephebes of 197/6 and their officers
196 BC-195 BC: IG II3 1 1258 - Honours for king Pharnakes and queen Nysa
196 BC-195 BC: IG II3 1 1257 - Honours for a friend of king Eumenes II
196 BC-130 BC: IG II3 4 357 - Dedication to Hermes by ephebes (Piraeus)
195 BC-194 BC: IG II3 1 1259 - Honours for a prytany
195 BC-185 BC: IG II3 1 1343 - Honours for a prytany
195 BC-185 BC: IG II3 1 1355 - Honours for the prytany of Aigeis
195 BC-185 BC: IG II3 1 1345 - Honours for the prytany of Erechtheis
195 BC-185 BC: IG II3 1 1344 - Honours for a prytany
195 BC-185 BC: IG II3 1 1354 - Honours
195 BC-180 BC: IG II3 1 1337 - Honours for the prytany of Ptolemais
194 BC-180 BC: IG II3 1 1372 - Honours for sacred delegates (theoroi) from Miletos
194 BC-177 BC: IG II3 1 1367 - Honours for a prytany
194 BC-177 BC: IG II3 1 1357 - Honours for a man from Kyzikos
194 BC-147 BC: IG II3 1 1413 - Honours
194 BC-147 BC: IG II3 1 1388 - Honours for officials of Athena
194 BC-147 BC: IG II3 1 1414 - Honorific decree
194 BC-147 BC: IG II3 1 1408 - Honours for a prytany
194 BC-147 BC: IG II3 1 1389 - Honours for the son of Zenothemis of Miletos
194 BC-147 BC: IG II3 1 1411 - Decree
194 BC-147 BC: IG II3 1 1387 - Honours for Xen-
194 BC-147 BC: IG II3 1 1455 - Honours for a priest(ess?)
193 BC-192 BC: IG II3 1 1260 - Honours for the prytany of Akamantis
193 BC-192 BC: IG II3 1 1262 - Decree
193 BC-192 BC: IG II3 1 1261 - Honours for a benefactor (from Pergamon?)