160 AD-161 AD: I Eleusis 476 - Statue base for Regilla

160 AD-161 AD: Agora XVIII 379 - Statue base for Regilla

160 AD-170 AD: SEG 25.212 - Statue for Tiberius Claudius Iason Magnus

160 AD-180 AD: IG II3 4 613 - Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals

161 AD-220 AD: SEG 28.97 - Statue base for Aurelius Rufus?

163 AD-164 AD: IG II2 2087 - List of two ephebic teams, 163/4 AD

163 AD-164 AD: AIUK 4.3B (BM, Ephebic Monuments) no. 4 - Ephebic monument

163 AD-201 AD: IG II3 4 422 - Dedication [by ephebe(s)?]

165 AD-166 AD: Wilson, Ephebic Inscriptions E.216 - Catalogue of ephebes, 165/6 AD

165 AD-166 AD: IG II3 4 421 - Dedication by ephebic gymnasiarch, 165/6 AD

165 AD-181 AD: I Eleusis 491 - Portrait herm for Flavius Xenion

168 AD-170 AD: I Eleusis 489 - The Eleusinian Endowment

169 AD-170 AD: IG II2 6397 - Funerary stele for Abaskantos, trainer of the ephebes

170 AD-180 AD: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 73 - Funerary monument of Publius Aelius Phaidros

170 AD-200 AD: IG II3 4 615 - Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals

170 AD-200 AD: IG II3 4 1122 - Dedication mentioning Sarapis (Marathon)

170 AD-230 AD: IG II3 4 197 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

170 AD-300 AD: IG II3 4 198 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais (?)

171 AD-176 AD: I Eleusis 494 - Herm in honour of the hierophant who saved the sacred objects of the Mysteries

172 AD-175 AD: I Eleusis 495 - Apollonia honours Marcus Aurelius

173 AD-174 AD: AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 24 - Statue base of Piso

175 AD-176 AD: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 9 - List of ephebic friends

175 AD-185 AD: IG II2 3623 - Statue base

175 AD-200 AD: IG II3 4 614 - Dedication commemorating victories in Panhellenic festivals

175 AD-200 AD: SEG 21.510 - Endowment

176 AD-192 AD: I Eleusis 502 - Statue base for the hierophantis (Isidote)

177 AD-188 AD: IG II3 4 216 - Dedication by Panhellenes (Eleusis)

180 AD-185 AD: I Eleusis 511 - Statue base for the hearth-initiate Praxagora

183 AD-190 AD: I Eleusis 513 - Letter from Emperor Commodus

184 AD-185 AD: SEG 50.155 - Ephebic decree and transcript of ephebic oration, 184/5 AD

189 AD-192 AD: IG II2 2119 - Catalogue of ephebes, 191/2 AD (?)

191 AD-195 AD: I Eleusis 516 - Statue base for the hierophant who saved the sacred objects of the Mysteries

191 AD-195 AD: I Eleusis 515 - Statue base for the hierophant who saved the sacred objects of the Mysteries

192 AD-210 AD: I Eleusis 621 - Statue base for the hearth-initiate Publia Aelia Herennia

193 AD-210 AD: AIO 2743 - Statue base for Septimius Severus

193 AD-211 AD: I Eleusis 517 - Statue base for Septimius Severus

193 AD-211 AD: AIO 2736 - Base for Septimius Severus

194 AD-195 AD: AIUK 4.3B (BM, Ephebic Monuments) no. 5 - Ephebic monument, 194/5 AD?

195 AD-196 AD: AIUK 4.3A (BM, Decrees of Other Bodies) no. 10 - Decree of the Areopagos, 195/6 AD

195 AD-196 AD: AIUK 11 (Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) no. 10 - Catalogue of ephebes

195 AD-198 AD: I Eleusis 518 - Statue base naming Septimius Severus and Julia Domna

195 AD-205 AD: I Eleusis 624 - Statue base for Marcus Aurelius Prosdektos

195 AD-217 AD: AIUK 7 (Chatsworth) no. 2 - Statue base for Julia Domna

196 AD-206 AD: IG II3 4 1123 - Dedication to Sarapis

196 AD-217 AD: IG II2 3418 - Statue base for the Mother of the Camps

197 AD-197 AD: AIO 2734 - Divine honours for the Severans

197 AD-198 AD: Follet, Décrets attiques 2 - Divine honours for Julia Domna

197 AD-210 AD: SEG 34.185 - Dedication (?) to Septimius Severus, Caracalla, and Geta

200 AD-225 AD: Oliver, Marcus Aurelius 20 - Statue base for Casianus Antiochos Synesios

200 AD-235 AD: Oliver, Gerusia p. 132 n. 23 - Statue base for Flavia Habroia

200 AD-299 AD: IG II3 4 576 - (Choregic?) dedication of Flavius B-