Unknown: IG II3 1 953 Honours for the priest of Zeus Soter

Unknown: OR 170 Payments from the treasury of Athena, 418/7–415/4 BC

Unknown: IG II3 1 1290 Honours for the ephebes of 185/4 and their officers

Unknown: AIO 1185 Sacrificial Calendar of Athens (earlier phase)

Unknown: IG II3 1 1418 Fragment of decree

Unknown: AIUK 4.2 (BM, Decrees of Council and Assembly) no. 16 Decrees honouring ephebes and their superintendent, 40/39 or 39/38 BC

Unknown: AIO 814 Alliance with Karystos, 357/6 BC

Unknown: IG II3 1 1335 Decree

Unknown: AIO 968 Honours for the girls who worked on the robe for Athena (103/2 BC)

Unknown: Rationes, Stele 2 Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)

Unknown: Rationes, Stele 3 Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)

Unknown: AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 78 Casualty list of the Argives from the battle of Tanagra, 458 or 457 BC

Unknown: I Rhamnous 182 Accounts of Nemesis of Rhamnous

Unknown: IG II2 9160 Epitaphs of Andrikos and Telete

Unknown: Rationes, Stele 3 Accounts of 1% tax on property transactions (Rationes Centesimarum)

Unknown: AIO 1185 Sacrificial Calendar of Athens (earlier phase)

Unknown: AIO 1186 Law fragment

Unknown: IG II3 1 1433 Honorific decree

Unknown: IG I3 258 Decree of the deme Plotheia

Unknown: AIO 1240 Decree honouring Sthorys of Thasos, 394/3 BC

Unknown: AIO 1240 Decree honouring Sthorys of Thasos, 394/3 BC

Unknown: AIO 1240 Decree honouring Sthorys of Thasos, 394/3 BC

Unknown: AIO 1240 Decree honouring Sthorys of Thasos, 394/3 BC

Unknown: IG II3 4 89 Dedication by a court president (thesmothetes), 319/8 BC

Unknown: AIUK 4.1 (BM, Cult Provisions) no. 1 Cult provisions on an inscribed altar from the City Eleusinion

Unknown: IG I3 957 Choregic dedication for the City Dionysia

Unknown: IG II3 4 99 Dedication by a court president (thesmothetes), 253/2 BC

Unknown: IG II2 3027 Choregic dedication of Aristeides (City Dionysia or Thargelia?)

Unknown: IG I3 965 Choregic dedication of Kleisthenes for the Thargelia

Unknown: AIUK 4.1 (BM, Cult Provisions) no. 2 Sacrificial calendar

Unknown: IG II3 4 9 Dedicatory inscription for Dionysos

Unknown: IG II3 4 77 Dedication by a board of officials, 339/8 BC

Unknown: IG II3 4 82 Dedication by a board of officials, 331/0 or 330/329 BC

Unknown: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 4 Dedication by Mnesitheos son of Mnes- (?)

Unknown: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 5 Base of statue of Antipatros son of Antipatros of Phlya

Unknown: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 6 Dedication to Eileithyia on behalf of Julia Rufina

Unknown: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 7 Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos on behalf of Zopyra

Unknown: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 11 Funerary monument for Aglokr- of Torone

Unknown: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 12 Funerary monument (?)

Unknown: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 13 Funerary monument of Isias “of Miletos”

Unknown: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 14 Funerary monument for a family from Marathon

Unknown: AIUK 2 (BSA) no. 15 Funerary monument for -atos son of Philetos of Phlya

Unknown: IG II3 4 115 Dedication by polemarch

Unknown: IG II3 4 116 Dedication to Bakchos (Dionysos) in verse

Unknown: IG II3 4 124 Dedication of measuring vessel by city guardians (astynomoi)

Unknown: IG II3 4 124 Dedication of measuring vessel by city guardians (astynomoi)

Unknown: IG II3 4 140 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

Unknown: IG II3 4 142 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

Unknown: IG II3 4 177 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

Unknown: IG II3 4 181 Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais