13 Results for "perquisites"

Displaying 1 - 13


Deme decree relating to cult at Paiania

CGRN 25 Date: 450-430 BC
... priestly perquisites, 3 (drachmas), 3 obols. For the Antheia, a select sow, (30) pregnant, a piglet, male; priestly perqui...

Sacrificial Calendar of Athens (later phase)

AIO 1189 Date: 403/2-400/399 BC
... priestess of Demeter perquisites (apometra) from the stelai ... a piglet for Hestia a sheep for Athena a sheep for the Graces...

Sacrifices and perquisites

AIO 505 Date: Ca. 423/2-404/3 BC
... ... for the perquisites (apometra), 10 dr. ... let the priestess of -a take ... 1 dr. for each offering () ... but if a bovine is...

Sacrificial calendar of Erchia

AIO 593 Date: Ca. 375-350 BC
... the perquisites (gera) just like the demarch, 10 dr.; - on the sixteenth, (60) for Zeus Epakrios, on Hymettos, a lam...

Divine honours for Julia Domna

Follet, Décrets attiques 2 Date: 197 AD?
... and shall get the perquisites (gera), (30)and also to set up a golden statue (agalma) of Julia Augusta in the Parthenon, and the general shall complete the sacred...

Sacrificial calendar from Eleusis

I Eleusis 175 Date: ca. 330 BC
... 10 dr. for the perquisites (apometra) for the priestess; for the priestess of Plouton (25) to the hearths (hestiasas}) () in honour of the two ...

Divine honours for the Severans

AIO 2734 Date: 197 AD?
... (25)and shall get the perquisites (gera), and in future ... ... and in the beginning ... ... Julia Augusta ... ... of good fortune ... ... (30) .....

Sacrificial Calendar of Athens (earlier phase)

AIO 1185 Date: 410-404 BC
... perquisites (apometra) for the priestess for the piglets for the wood for the sacrificial victims () (hieron) ...

Decree of the genos Salaminioi concerning the resolution of a dispute

RO 37 Date: 363/2 BC
... shall be given the perquisites prescribed here. To the priest of Heracles, as priestly dues (hiereosuna), 30 drachmas; for pelanos (30) 3 drachmas; each part...

Provisions for priests and priestesses (in Aixone?)

CGRN 57 Date: 400-350 BC
... use in ritual, and as perquisites, monetary and in kind, commonly forms part of sacrificial calendars and other religious measures (e.g. RO 37, ll. 2...
[Full inscription]

The sacrificial calendar of the Marathonian Tetrapolis

SEG 50.168 Date: Ca. 375-350 BC?
... his sacrificial duties without receiving perquisites (though they might have been provided for separately). A col. 1 is very poorly preserved and its interpretation is inevitably somewhat ...
[Full inscription]

Decrees of Athenian Assembly and deme Eleusis honouring Pamphilos of Eleusis, the demarch

I Eleusis 229 Date: 150/49 BC ?
... 175, ll. 15-16, "for the perquisites for the priestess" in the context of the Thesmophoria at l. 23 of the same calendar, and "for the priestess of Plouton" at l. 24 (note als...
[Full inscription]

Statue base for Ploutarchos

IG II2 5 13281 Date: late iv AD
... 5, 13286), which mentions Zeus, perquisites for a priest, and a precinct. He is perhaps to be identified with Ploutarchos the scholarch of the Platonic Academy (died 431-434), who is...
[Full inscription]