SEG 54.276 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.277 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais (?)

SEG 54.278 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.279 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais (?)

SEG 54.280 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.281 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.282 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.283 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.284 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.285 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.286 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais (?)

SEG 54.287 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.288 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.289 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.290 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.291 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.292 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.293 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.294 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.295 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.296 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.297 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.298 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.299 - Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais

SEG 54.301 - Dedication by a victorious gymnasiarch

SEG 54.302 - Choregic dedication from Acharnai

SEG 54.304 - Dedication by an ephebic pareutaktos, victor in a torch race

SEG 54.39 - Harbour fees and the cult of Poseidon at Sounion

SEG 54.54 (ll. 9-10, 12) - Law fragment

SEG 54.57 - Financial accounts of the deme Ikarion

SEG 54.58 - Decree of Ikarion regulating Rural Dionysia

SEG 54.59 - Inscription regulating use of water from the Halykos spring (Lamptrai)

SEG 54.60 - Sacrificial calendar of Thorikos

SEG 54.75 (date) - Dedication to Apollo

SEG 55.174 - Honorific decree

SEG 55.248 - Agreement regarding Salamis

SEG 55.248bis - Agreement regarding Salamis

SEG 55.252 - Decree of Halai Araphenides honouring two non-members of the deme

SEG 55.255 - Decree of Kydantidai and Ionidai

SEG 55.262 - Dedication by an ephebe, 35/4 BC

SEG 55.264 - Dedication by an ephebe

SEG 55.291 - Dedication of measuring vessel by city guardians (astynomoi)

SEG 55.292 - Dedication to Dionysos by the leader of a thiasos

SEG 55.308 - Dedication of a ritual regulation by ephebes, 61/0 BC

SEG 55.58 - Sacrificial calendar of Thorikos

SEG 56.130

SEG 56.133 - Honours for officials

SEG 56.174

SEG 56.177 - Honours for the brothers Aristolas and Sostratos

SEG 56.186a - Honours for the cavalry commander Komeas