Synnada honours Hadrian

Follet and Peppas Delmousou, Sardes et Synnada 2 Date: ca. 131/2 AD
Fragment a+b+c+d
[For Good Fortune, the . . . Synnadans, of the Athenians and] Spartans . . . . . . since [they have made clear (?) that], having founded a colony (apoikian), . . . the land, which . . . they hold [ . . . to] Attica . . . how many benefactions Hadrian has made [for peoples (ethnē)] and cities . . . (5)of Trajan Hadrian Augustus Olympios Panhellenios Zeus, the only . . . the city [decreed (?) that this be inscribed on the Acropolis] at Athens, inasmuch as, [having been privileged (?)] privately . . . . . . in order to make the benefactions (euergesias) apparent to all, . . . the influx of the torrents . . . . . . increase of the rivers to . . . (10) . . . he gratified for . . . . . . from impending dangers . . . . . . and we think also . . . . . . to our borders . . . . . . and he wrote to his procurator (epitropōi) . . . (15) . . . and that there should be another road . . . . . . whence many benefits to the city . . . . . . he thought that there should be a council (sunedron) among us . . . having decreed and he himself . . . . . . our citizens Claudius Attalos Andragathos (20) . . . and . . . Claudius Piso Tertullinus the - . . . we - both in the other things . . . . . . [on the (?)] borders of the city, both the harvests (karpous) and . . . . . . he has . . . , just as the estates (chōria) of private individuals . . . . . . [the king (?)] supplies to the city from his own estates . . . (25) . . . to those owning a house's great properties (kataskeuas) . . . . . . to the proper or family cult (oikeian thrēskeian) . . .
Fragment e
. . . to him with . . . being . . . has arrived, he granted, having visited, (30) . . . [the right to use] the old [laws] of the city . . . [affairs] in Asia being disturbed . . . he prevented (?) anyone changing . . . our prytanis . . . he established . . . , and the priesthood (35) . . . to be crown-bearer (stephanēphorein) forever and . . . decisions (dogmata), the greatest and the . . . to this degree of glory, [our] citizen . . . of Athenians and Spartans . . . for this, the city held that (40) . . . we pray to all gods [for Emperor Hadrian Augustus Olympios and] his whole house and [the Senate of the Romans (?). Erection of the] stele [was managed by] Claudius Attalos [Andragathos, the priest of the Harmony (homonoias) of the Greeks and of Zeus] Eleutherios and . . . [and Claudius Piso Tertullinus, the priest] of Zeus Pandemos (45) . . . of the city.