Decree of Euonymon honouring an official

AIO 2551 Date: Late 4th cent. BC
. . . proposed: since [Ktesi?kleides][1] [having been allotted? to] office[2] managed [the common resources well and with love of honour (philotimōs)] [and made the sacrifices] to the gods [and] (5)[heroes?], the demesmen of Euonymon shall [decide] [to praise Ktesi?]kleides . . . [and ] crown him [with a gold crown] [of 1000 or 500] drachmas for his excellence (aretēs) and justice (dikaiosunēs) [towards the deme (dēmon) of] (10)[Euonymon; and the demarch in office] at any time shall give [him a seat of honour (proedrian)] at the competition (agōni)[3] . . . . . . and to inscribe this decree . . . . . . -ras-[4] . . . (15) . . . and [stand it] . . . . . . . . .