Sokolowski, LSS 1 - Inscribed altar from the City Eleusinion concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries

Sokolowski, LSS 2 - Cult provisions on an inscribed altar from the City Eleusinion

Sokolowski, LSS 3 - Regulations concerning the Eleusinian Mysteries

Sokolowski, LSS 6 - Decree about the cult of Bendis

Sokolowski, LSS 9 - Sacrificial Calendar of Athens (earlier phase)

Sokolowski, LSS 10 - Sacrificial Calendar of Athens (later phase)

Sokolowski, LSS 11 - Assembly decree concerning sacrifices in cult of Asklepios in Piraeus

Sokolowski, LSS 18 - Deme decree relating to cult at Paiania

Sokolowski, LSS 19 - Decree of the genos Salaminioi concerning the resolution of a dispute

Sokolowski, LSS 20 - Decree of the orgeones of Echelos and the heroines

Sokolowski, LSS 21 - Small sacrificial regulation for Hestia at Halimous

Sokolowski, LSS 124 - Sacrificial regulation for the Thesmophoria at Cholargos

Sokolowski, LSS 126 - Law of a thiasos

Sokolowski, LSS 132 - Sacrificial calendar from Teithras