128 Results for "Acropolis Dedications "
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1.Decree honouring Lykourgos of Boutadai
AIO 871 Date: 307/6 BC... and erect them on the acropolis near the dedications; and the treasurer of the People shall give for inscribing the stelai fifty drachmas from the Pe...
Council decree on cult of Isis at Teithras and dedication of lattices
IG II3 4 1132 Date: A: Late i BC; B: mid-i AD?
... the south slope of the Acropolis (AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications), no. 8), at Rhamnous (I Rhamnous 59, ll. 14-15), and at Marathon (L. A. Mazurek, AJA 122...
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Laws about cult objects
IG II3 1 445 Date: Ca. 335 BC... slaves who - on the acropolis ...
... against this law, let each of them be whipped ...
... shall dedicate the dedications, the gold or s...
Verse dedication by a [poet] commemorating a victory with a men's chorus
IG I3 833bis Date: ca. 480-470 BC?
... suggested (first by A. Raubitschek, Dedications from the Athenian Acropolis, 1949, no. 323), but there is no known competition at that festival invol...
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Inventory of the Hekatompedon, 418/7 BC
IG I3 329 Date: 418/7 BC
... e.g. in festivals rather than dedications. Not listed at all are the large quantities of ceramic material and the statues in bronze and marble dedica...
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Honours for Akarnanians
IG II3 1 316 Date: 338/7 BC... enacted was inscribed on the acropolis,
the grant which the People made to Phormio their grandfather
(20) shall be valid for Phormio and ...
Columnar grave marker signed by the sculptor Aristion of Paros(?)
AIUK 4.6 (BM, Funerary Monuments) no. 72 Date: ca. 530 BC
... familiar in Archaic Attica as dedications, particularly numerous from the Athenian Acropolis, but we have a small number of funerary examples as well...
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Dedication to Sarapis and Isis
IG II3 4 1113 Date: A little after 200 BC (?)
... (SEG 26.121). Cf. also the dedications by priests of Isis, IG II3 4, 1343, IG II3 4, 1585. For dedications from the south slope of the Acropolis and ...
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Dedication of a Spartan shield
IG I3 522 Date: 425 BC
... Nike temple bastion on the Acropolis and perhaps in other locations. On "unconverted" dedications of this type see IG I3 517 with notes. On the chara...
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Decree on the repair of a statue of Athena Nike
IG II3 1 444 Date: Ca. 336-330 BC
... in the vast mass of dedications and inscriptions that were crowded onto the acropolis by this time. Cf. IG II3 1, 411 n.1.
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Choregic dedication from Thorikos
IG I3 1027bis Date: ca. 435-409 BC
... hexameter). Two other metrical choregic dedications come from Anagyrous (IG II3 4, 507) and the Acropolis (IG I3 833bis), respectively.
[2] The res...
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Concerning dedications in the sanctuary of Asklepios
IG II3 1 1010 Date: 248/7 BC... of the gold and silver dedications in the Asklepieion ...
(5) ... in the Asklepieion from the priesthood of Pe- ...
... in order therefor...
Dedication by the prytany of Pandionis
IG II3 4 21 Date: ca. 390-360 BC
... sanctuary of Pandion on the acropolis (cf. U. Kron, Die zehn attischen Phylenheroen, 1976, 109-10). For other dedications by the prytany of Pandioni...
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Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
AIUK 4.5 (BM, Dedications) no. 3 Date: Late 1st- 2nd century AD
... other examples show that these dedications were typically made at the cave of Apollo, on the North Slope of the Acropolis. This site was (according ...
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Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 142 Date: i-ii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 204 Date: ii-iii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 199 Date: ii-iii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4 128....
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Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 145 Date: i-ii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 200 Date: ii-iii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 155 Date: i-ii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
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Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 131 Date: Late i AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
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Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 170 Date: Late i-ii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 177 Date: Mid-ii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 176 Date: Mid-ii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 197 Date: Late ii-early iii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 192 Date: ii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 135 Date: i AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais (?)
IG II3 4 198 Date: Late ii-iii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 184 Date: ii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
[Full inscription]
Dedication to Apollo Hypo Makrais
IG II3 4 141 Date: i-ii AD
... part of a series of dedications by Athenian archons in the Cave of Apollo on the north face of the Athenian acropolis. For details, see IG II3 4, 128...
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