Honours for the poet Philippides

IG II3 1 877 Date: 283/2 BC
In the archonship of Euthios (283/2), in the third prytany, of ⟦AntigonisI⟧,[1] for which Nausimenes son of Nausikydes of CholargosVII was secretary. On the eighteenth of Boedromion, the nineteenth of the prytany. Principal Assembly. (5) Of the presiding committee Hieromnemon son of Teisimachos of Koile was putting to the vote and his fellow presiding committee members. The Council and People decided. Nikeratos son of Phileas of Kephale proposed: since Philippides has continued at every opportunity to demonstrate his good will for the People, and (10) on going abroad to king Lysimachos first after discussions with the king he delivered to the People a gift of 10,000 Attic medimnoi of wheat (purōn) which was distributed to all Athenians in the archonship of Euktemon (299/8); and also discussed the yard (keraias) and the mast (histou), that (15) they might be given to the goddess for the robe (peplōi) at the Panathenaia, which were delivered in the archonship of Euktemon (299/8); and when king Lysimachos won the battle at Ipsos against Antigonos and Demetrios, those citizens who perished in the crisis (kindunōi) he buried at his (20) own expense, while he alerted the king to those who became prisoners, and after gaining their release, those wishing to remain in service he arranged that they be assigned to regiments, and those preferring to leave he supplied with clothes and travelling money (ephodia) (25) from his own resources and sent them where each wished, more than three hundred in all; and he pleaded for the release of as many of those citizens who were captured in Asia and held prisoner by Demetrios and Antigonos; and to those Athenians who happen to be at the court at any time he continues (30) to be useful in whatever way each requests of him; and since the People have recovered their freedom, he has continued to say and to do what is in the interests of the preservation (sōtēriai) of the city, including requesting the king to help with money and grain, so that the People may remain (35) free and recover the Piraeus and the forts as quickly as possible, and concerning all these matters the king has often testified on his behalf to Athenian ambassadors sent to him; and when he was elected competition director (agōnothetēs) in the archonship of Isaios (284/3) he complied (40) with the People willingly from his own resources, and he sacrificed to the gods the ancestral sacrifices on behalf of the People, and he gave to all Athenians the . . . for all the competitions, and he was the first to institute an additional competition to Demeter and Kore as a memorial (hupomnēma) to the [freedom] (45) of the People; and he managed the other competitions and sacrifices on behalf of the city, and on all these things he spent much money from his own resources and rendered accounts according to the laws, and he has never done anything contrary to democracy either in word or (50) deed; so, therefore, that it might be clear to all that the People understands how to give thanks to its benefactors to the value of the benefactions they perform, for good fortune, the Council shall decide: that the presiding committee (proedrous) who are allotted to preside in the People, when the days for the request (aitēseōs) set by the law (55) have passed, shall put the matter on the agenda for the next Assembly according to the law, and submit the opinion of the Council to the People, that it seems good to the Council to praise Philippides son of Philokles of Kephale for the excellence and good will which he continues to have for (60) the Athenian People and to crown him with a gold crown according to the law and to announce the crown at the tragedy competition of the Great Dionysia, and to stand a bronze statue of him in the theatre; and he shall have dining privileges (sitēsin) in the city hall (prutaneiōi), as will (65) the eldest of his descendants at the time, and a front row seat (proedrian) at all competitions that the city puts on; and the board of administrators (tous epi tēi dioikēsei) shall manage the making of the crown and the announcement; and the prytany secretary shall inscribe this decree on a stone stele (70) and stand it by the temple (neō) of Dionysos; and for inscribing the stele the board of administrators (tous epi tēi dioikēsei) shall allocate 20 drachmas from the People’s fund for expenditure on decrees.
In crown The People.