Council decree on the cult of Agdistis at Rhamnous

I Rhamnous 179 Date: 35/4-18/7 BC
To the gods. Servants (litourgoi): Supporter (hupostatēs) of [Agdistis]:[1] Zenon (son of Zenon) of Antioch. Foster-father (epitithēnos) . . . : Nikias (son of Nikias) of Karystos. Ankon-bearer(s?) (ankonophor-): Chroto and Stratonike. Adamma : . . . (5) daughter of Dionysios of Miletos; Ankon-bearer and . . . [2] relief[3] from the Metroon, with good fortune. In the archonship of Pammenes,[4] fourth day of Mounichion. Xenophon of Thria proposed: since Zenon (son of Zenon) of Antioch, having made an approach (to the Council), demonstrates that he has served (lelitourgēkenai) in the sanctuary at Rhamnous (10) of Agdistis, and also in addition he has been consecrated (as priest) to these gods for a very long time, but now, being oppressed (epibaroumenos) by some people, he is prevented from his duty (para to kathēkon), and therefore he calls on the Council, which looks after piety (eusebeias) towards the gods, to take proper (kathēkousan) (15) care of him. For good fortune, the Council shall decide that Zenon (son of Zenon) of Antioch is allowed to serve (litourgein) the gods who are at Rhamnous, just as from the beginning, being stopped by no one[5] . . .